All you want to know about Belt M-Egypt and when was it established?
Belt-Egypt is a producer company working in the field of steel mesh belts in light of the economic system of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The company was established in 1964 at the end of the last century and is still working in steel mesh belts
We provide you
stainless steel
High resistance carbon steel
galvanized steel
2. Chains and gears of transmission of all sizes and steps from the best international companies: German – French – English – Chinese.
3. All manual and electrical tools used for the installation and maintenance of production lines and service and maintenance centers.
Dear customer, we have the honor to list some uses of our products, which are as follows:
Meat and poultry factories
Packaging and Shrink Machines
vegetable processing lines
drying agricultural crops
Jams and syrups manufacturing lines
Production lines for natural half-fried and processed potatoes
Snacks manufacturing lines of all kinds
Sweets aeration lines
Algelash and pasta factories
battery factories
soft drink factories
Paper and cardboard factories
glass factories
Pharmaceutical manufacturing lines, sterilization ovens, and pharmaceutical packaging
Automatic and semi-automatic bakeries
dairy products factories
Juice and ice cream factories
Halva and tahini lines
To communicate
4 real estate in Nasr City
(+02) 207 941 44
All you want to know about Belt M-Egypt and when was it established? Read More »